The new Death Korps of Krieg Army Set will be available to pre-order this Saturday – the first place to get many of the excellent new miniatures and an exclusive version of the Codex. We have already seen what the Command Squads, Heavy Weapons, and Troopers can do with their new datasheets, so here’s how Lord Marshal Dreir and the rest of his loyal attendants fare in battle.

Varnan Dreir has risen through ranks all the way from trooper to the lofty position of Lord Marshal, defying the odds to become one of the greatest military minds in the Imperium. A virtuoso of imaginative strategy, and willing to lead from the front alongside his loyal followers, his primary quirk is a sentimental attachment to the Krieg steed designated ES819 – a creature that has been brought back from the brink of death more times than can be counted.
Though many Krieg subscribe to the view that Dreir is somehow immortal, he is merely incredibly Tough to Kill, with six wounds, a 4+ save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save. He will even return to the fight even after suffering from grievous injuries that would lay lesser men low. Despite the mythologising, he fully believes that one day he too will fall in service of the Emperor like everyone else.

Tough to kill
The first time this model is destroyed, roll one D6 at the end of the phase. On a 2+, set this model back up on the battlefield as close as possible to where it was destroyed and not within Engagement Range of any enemy units, with D3 wounds remaining.
Leading the Charge
Each time this model's unit makes a Charge move, until the end of the turn, melee weapons equipped by models in that unit have the [DEVASTATING WOUNDS] ability.
Lord Marshal Dreir is normally seen Leading the Charge, his Sabre of Sacrifice and Death Rider bodyguards devastating on the attack. These veteran Krieg cavalry act as a Screening Line in battle, goading enemies into overcommitting before repositioning themselves for a countercharge.

Screening Line
Once per turn,when an enemy unit ends a Normal, Advance or Fall Back move within 9" of this unit, if this unit is not within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units, it can make a Normal move of up to 6".
Artillery Teams launch punishing blanket barrages, pulverising infantry, vehicles and fortifications alike. Each team mans one of four massive indirect fire guns with differently devastating effects. The siege cannon lobs D6 Strength 12 AP -2 shells, for instance, while the multiple rocket launcher with its D6+3, Anti-Infantry +3 explosives is designed to shred infantry squads.

Siege Cannon [Blast, Heavy, Indirect Fire]
Range: 48"
Attacks: D6
Ballistic Skill: 5+
Strength: 12
AP: -2
Damage: 3

Multiple Rocket Launcher [Anti-Infantry 3+, Blast, Heavy, Indirect Fire]
Range: 48"
Attacks: D6+3
Ballistic Skill: 5+
Strength: 2
AP: -1
Damage: 1
The Krieg Combat Engineers are master sappers who range ahead of the battle lines with Scout 6”. As Grenadiers, they can use the Grenade Stratagem for 0CP, and use their Remote Mine to sabotage enemy vehicles and fortifications.

Once per turn, you can target this unit with the Grenade Stratagem for OCP.
Remote Mine
Once per battle, at the start of your Shooting phase, you can select one enemy unit within 12" of the bearer and roll one D6: on a 3+, that enemy unit suffers D6 mortal wounds, or D3+3 mortal wounds instead if it is a Vehicle or Fortifications unit.
You’re well on your way to fielding an army by starting with a solid core of Lord Marshal Dreir, 10 Death Riders, five Combat Engineers, and an Artillery Team. By choosing the right Detachment, you can expand this flexible formation into a full fighting force.
With a variety of great guns, infantry, and cavalry, the Combined Arms and Recon Element Detachments both work well for the Death Korps, but there’s something particularly thematic about these greatcoat wearing soldiers marching to battle under the monotone thudding of a Siege Regiment, ready to sacrifice themselves for the cause.

Our resident Krieger Joel has hashed out a plan for taking the Army Set to a 1,000-point* Incursion Force – an achievable starting point for a shiny new Astra Militarum army.**

A chunk of infantry backed by a Command Squad and two Krieg Heavy Weapons Squads will open up the new Platoon synergies, while another Artillery Team and a Rogal Dorn Battle Tank – which you can Krieg up yours without much work – will provide the heavy hits.
* At just shy of 1000 points, it allows Joel some flexibility to spend those last 15 points on either a ‘Legacy Sidearm’ or ‘Stalwart's Honours’ from the Detachment Enhancements.
**Many of Joel’s army-building choices are personal preferences as to the look and style of the miniatures, allowing him to field a force with a strong theme - even if that means taking troops others might leave behind!