The great god of plagues has a thing for inevitability. His contagions leave masses of fecund decay that will eventually sprout new life, only to spread the selfsame diseases that brought their original hosts low. And so it goes, on and on, until entropy has its way. His loyal servants thus plod dutifully into battle over and over, sharing his gifts with phlegmatic aplomb – and few are so efficient as the Lord of Poxes.

Champions of the Death Guard who reach a high enough rank will adopt one of the Mantles of Corruption. Each is an innovation of Mortarion, a dedication to a certain septic approach to warfare realised through specific wargear.
We’ve met the Lords of Virulence and Contagion, and the Lords of Poxes now swell the ranks. These are equipped with a miasmic turbine, a device of rusted blades and rattling engines which readily vomits contagion into the air.

These viruses are incubated within the lungs of the wearer themself, spores extracted and mixed with incubating fluids to create clouds of corrosive vapour that ignore the laws of nature to spread, seeking new victims to infect. This foetid fog also has the added benefit of occluding the Death Guards’ lumbering advance.
It also seems to be obscuring this vision of Warhammer 40,000's future. Maybe you can decipher the visions in the mist...

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