The Dark Angels might have monopolised all the obvious Grotmas gags about angels three weeks ago, but the Blood Angels have arrived to bring death to the enemies of the Imperium – enter the Angelic Inheritors.

The Blood Angels have inherited much from their Primarch. Their grace, nobility and psychic prowess all trace back to Sanguinius, as does the spiritual curse that has afflicted them since his death. More esoteric, perhaps, but no less a gift of their gene‐sire, is their propensity to blaze brightest during the darkest moments of despair. Just as Sanguinius himself is said to have brought hope to the hopeless at the point of his gilded spear, so too do the Blood Angels rise in the face of adversity as though in fulfilment of some ancient prophecy. At such times, the angelic and monstrous natures ever at war within Sanguinius’ gene‐sons find an equilibrium. Icy calm in their ferocity, furious in their clarity, the warrior angels of Baal strike with unerring and unstoppable wrath to snatch victory from the bloodied jaws of defeat.
The Legacy of the Angel manifests itself in the form of three abilities. Blood Angels will choose two of these at the start of the battle, and all of their Character units will benefit. They might choose the power to Fall Back, Shoot, and Charge in the same turn, or re-roll Hit rolls and Wound rolls of 1, or re-roll Advance and Charge rolls. The Troubling Visions Enhancement even lets a Character unit benefit from all three Legacy abilities for the equivalent of one battle round, while continuing the theme of the cursed blessings that the Blood Angels have inherited from Sanguinius.
The Detachment supports an aggressive playstyle, with Stratagems like Unto the Burning Skies, which sends Blood Angels Jump Pack units back to Strategic Reserves at the end of your opponent’s Fight phase, ready to descend like avenging angels all over again. The Sanguinor can even do this within Engagement range of enemy units, making him a terrifying foe to face.
Tomorrow brings a Detachment for players who like their big shiny toys. It’s the T’au Empire!