This week on Heresy Thursday we’re going to kick it old-school. We’ve revealed heavyweight Solar Auxilia vehicles, and melee weapons are in full swing, while the Mechanicum Taghmata are deploying in plastic – so it’s high time we saw a good, old-fashioned Space Marine.

The Caster of Runes is a unique Legion Consul for the Space Wolves. He uses complex Fenrisian Rituals to control an ethereal power that he insists comes not from the Warp – but deep from the heart of Fenris. Their armour and wargear, which are adorned with runes and shamanistic artefacts, only reinforce this notion.
Some might call it hypocrisy for members of the VI Legion to wield psychic power in such a manner, but these particularly hard-bitten sons of Russ would not hear those protests over the roaring Winds of Fenris.

They summon raging storms to ravage their enemies and obscure their allies with swirling blizzards plucked from the aether.
The Caster of the Runes is himself cast from Forge World Resin, and comes with a choice of heads: bare or helmeted. He isn’t the only power-armoured reveal waiting to deploy: check back next week for another Heresy Thursday, which is guaranteed to feature pauldrons.