The Kruleboyz and Ironjawz pursue such different methods of warfare that they are treated as totally separate armies in Battletome: Orruk Warclans. But sometimes the power of the twin-headed god Gorkamorka throws them all into such a palaver that they cast aside their differences and band together in an all-consuming Big Waaagh!.
The sight of Maw-krushas thumping into hapless foes as Corpse-rippa Vulchas plunge from the skies is enough to terrify anyone in the Mortal Realms – as should the prospect of Ardboyz and Gutrippaz standing shoulder to shoulder in a krumpin’ competition.

This Army of Renown unites Ironjawz and Kruleboyz units, as long as you take an equal number of units from each. They channel The Power of the Waaagh!, enhancing selected units for the rest of the battle round.
For the Ironjawz, this means extra momentum when running and charging, while the venoms of the Kruleboyz get deadlier – gaining critical hits on unmodified hit rolls of 5+.

Once Per Turn, Your Hero Phase
The power of Gorkamorka reaches a climax of violent energy when orruks gather as a Big Waaagh!.
Declare: Pick up to 1 friendly Big Waaagh! Ironjawz unit and up to 1 friendly Big Waaagh! Kruleboyz unit to be the targets.
Effect: The targets have the Power of the Waaagh! keyword for the rest of the battle round.

When a Waaagh! really gets going, the orruks become a terrifying force to be reckoned with.
Effect: While a friendly unit has the Power of the Waaagh! keyword:
• If that unit has the Ironjawz keyword, add 1 to run rolls and charge rolls for that unit
• If that unit has the Kruleboyz keyword, that unit’s attacks score critical hits on unmodified hit rolls of 5+
With two belligerent bosses to please, the Army of Renown has four Heroic Traits, and you get to give one, to both, a non-unique Kruleboyz and Ironjawz hero to represent the brutal kunnin’ of your twin bosses. Those predisposed to Gorkish brutality can team up with their lads and hit their enemies with Da Old One-Two for Crit (2 Hits), while A Proper Sneak can embrace wily Morkish ways and hunker allies down with a Ward (5+).

Once Per Battle, Your Hero Phase
This boss and their boyz are the masters at piling on the pain.
Declare: You can use this ability if this unit has the Power of the Waaagh! keyword and a friendly unit has not used a Brutal Kunnin’ ability this turn.
Effect: For the rest of the battle round, friendly Big Waaagh! units’ melee weapons have Crit (2 Hits) while they are wholly within 12" of this unit.
Keywords: Brutal Kunnin'

Once Per Battle, Your Hero Phase
When they get their Mork muscles flexin’, this boss can even get the Ironjawz moving with a semblance of stealth.
Declare: You can use this ability if this unit has the Power of the Waaagh! keyword and a friendly unit has not used a Brutal Kunnin’ ability this turn.
Effect: For the rest of the battle round, friendly Big Waaagh! units have Ward (5+) while they are wholly within 12" of this unit.
Keywords: Brutal Kunnin'
Two Regiments of Renown bring the opportunity to mix things up without committing to the complete Big Waaagh! experience. Da Hurtlin’ Hogz packs porcine might into an otherwise trotterless army via Zog, a Tuskboss on Maw-grunta, and the Maw-grunta Gougers unit commanded by Goz. This pair are more concerned with winning their endless race across the eight realms than who they’re fighting for, hurtling into battle alongside other Destruction armies. They’re especially effective as a furry, slobbering distraction that just so happens to hit like a squealing wrecking ball.

Once Per Turn (Army), Any Combat Phase
In their race across the realms, Zog and Goz will blithely pile on the speed and go crashing straight through enemy lines.
Declare: Pick a friendly unit in this Regiment of Renown that charged this turn and has not used any Rampage abilities this turn to be the target.
Effect: The target can move D6". It must end that move in combat. Then, add 1 to the target’s momentum points. After this ability has been resolved, the target cannot use any other Rampage abilities for the rest of the turn.
Keywords: Rampage
Swampboss Skumdrekk’s infamy as overseer of the Murkvast Menagerie has spread far and wide, and demand for the explosive aid of Da Kountin’ Krew is at an all time high. Skumdrekk needs only utter Bombz Away, Ladz! and his two accompanying units of Hobgrot Slittaz will hurl their grenades.

Da Kountin’ Krew need only a single thumping drumbeat to start hurling their grenades.
Effect: Friendly units in this Regiment of Renown can use Run abilities and still use Shoot abilities later in the turn while they are wholly within 12" of this Regiment of Renown’s Swampboss Skumdrekk.
Battletome: Orruk Warclans contains two additional Armies of Renown – Zoggrok’s Ironmongerz, and the Murkvast Menagerie in which Swampboss Skumdrekk takes personal charge of his beastly battalion. It will be available for pre-order tomorrow!