This winter, you can return to Middle-earth on the big screen as The Lord of the Rings™: The War of the Rohirrim™ hits cinemas – and you can decide the fate of the realm of the horse lords for yourself. The new edition of the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game is available to pre-order now, including an immense boxed set packed with new miniatures inspired by the movie.

The Lord of The Rings: The War of the Rohirrim™ – Battle of Edoras™
Whether you’re new to the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game or a seasoned commander of Good and Evil armies, this boxed set is the perfect starting point for exploring the latest edition.
It contains everything you need to get playing, including 56 new plastic miniatures available for the first time in this set, the full hardback Rules Manual for this edition, a booklet that guides you through your first few games, quick reference guides, a range ruler, 12 dice, and a 3’ x 3’ paper playing mat with two Rohan House terrain kits.
The Good side comprises 24 Warriors of Rohan, updating the classic plastic models from 2002 with dynamic poses and crisp detailing, while retaining their aesthetic from The Lord of the Rings™: Motion Picture Trilogy. Eight of these doughty Warriors have bows, eight carry swords and shields, and eight wield throwing spears and shields. They are led in the defence of Edoras by Haleth and Háma, Princes of Rohan, Heroes from The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim™ who come with both mounted and foot versions. Haleth has a choice of weapons – sword, axe or throwing spear – and both Heroes can be helmeted or bare-headed in both their versions.
Ranged against the Rohirrim are 24 Hill Tribesmen and a pair of Heroes. Wulf, High Lord of the Hill Tribes and General Targg both come as foot and mounted versions like their Rohirrim rivals, and the Hill Tribesmen have a variety of weapons options. Eight of them carry bows, eight can be built with a choice of spears or two-handed weapons, and eight can have either hand weapons, with optional light shields, or flaming brands and light shields.
Rules are included for using the miniatures in the scenarios that come in the box – to use them in larger games, you’ll need a copy of Armies of The Lord of the Rings™ – which you’ll find out more about shortly.
Middle-earth™ Strategy Battle Game Rules Manual
If you’re eager to dive into battles in Middle-earth with your existing collection of miniatures, you can get the Rules Manual separately. This 176-page hardback manual is your complete guide to playing the game, including the full rules, from basic principles to magic, special rules, how to wage mighty sieges, and more. Six matched play scenarios are included for those wanting finely balanced clashes, and it also features a showcase of Rohan and Hill Tribes miniatures and an index of the rules – making it easy to find the reference you need in the heat of battle.
The Rules Manual is also available to pre-order in ePub format for those who prefer their rules on their digital devices.
To use your miniatures, you’ll need their rules as well – many of which can be found in a pair of supplementary volumes.
Armies of The Lord of the Rings™
Armies of The Lord of the Rings™ is a 240-page hardback gaming supplement that contains profiles and army lists for all the Heroes and Warriors from The Lord of the Rings™ Motion Picture Trilogy and The War of the Rohirrim™.
This expansion includes 92 profiles for the Forces of Good, spread across the Free Peoples, Rohan, Gondor, and the Elven Kingdoms, and 69 Evil profiles, covering Mordor, Isengard, the Hill Tribes, the Misty Mountains, and Fallen Realms. These include all your favourite Heroes and Warriors from the movies. Each profile gives the full rules for using them in your games, including points costs, special rules and even some background about their place in Middle-earth.
You’ll also find 46 army lists – 27 Good and 19 Evil – each capturing a thematic force from the movies, ranging from the Fellowship of the Ring and the Defenders of Helm’s Deep to the Army of Gothmog and the Usurpers of Edoras. Each includes a list of the Heroes and Warriors who can be picked, and a selection of special rules that apply to that army. There is also background and photography of spectacular miniatures for each force.
If you prefer your rules digital, you can also pre-order an ePub version of this expansion.
Armies of The Hobbit™
This 160-page gaming supplement contains full profiles and army lists for all the Heroes and Warriors, both Good and Evil, from The Hobbit™ Motion Picture Trilogy.
The Forces of Good get 82 profiles, split between the Dwarven Holds, Kingdoms of Men, Elven Kingdoms, and the Free Peoples. 34 Evil profiles are spread across Gundabad & Dol Guldur, the Misty Mountains, and Smaug. Yes, the dragon is so iconic that he gets a whole category to himself.
Smaug is also the star of his own army list, Desolator of the North, one of 22 in the supplement – 15 Good and 7 Evil. Others include Thorin’s Company, The Three Trolls, Halls of Thranduil, and The White Council.
This expansion features full rules for using all the included Heroes and Warriors in your games, and each army list tells you which miniatures can be included within it, and what additional rules you can get as you battle with your thematic hosts. There is also plenty of background information and gorgeous miniatures photography throughout.
An ePub edition of Armies of The Hobbit™ is also available to pre-order now.
Helm Hammerhand™, Wraith of the Hornburg™
After you’ve finished defending Edoras with your Heroes and Warriors from the boxed set, you’ll want to expand your force – and who better to add than the mighty Helm Hammerhand himself? In years to come, the region around the Hornburg will be named after the mighty king for the great feats he performed there – and this multipart, single-pose Forge World resin miniature represents him as he does those deeds.
Broken by the death of his sons and the loss of his kingdom, Helm has ventured out into the snow and now haunts the Hill Tribes. Armed only with his own mighty strength, he is a savage and brutal combatant, and his Strength of 6 and special rules reflect that.
You can use Helm Hammerhand, Wraith of the Hornburg as a Legendary Hero in the Defenders of the Hornburg army list, and rules for both Helm and the army are in Armies of The Lord of the Rings™.
Warriors of Rohan™
Whether you’re adding to the Battle of Edoras set or building an army of Rohan from the War of the Ring with Heroes such as Théoden, Éomer, and Éowyn, you’ll want a solid core of Warriors of Rohan. This set contains 24 plastic miniatures – eight with sword and shield, eight with throwing spear and shield, and eight with bow, perfect for standing atop the walls of Helm’s Deep, or representing dismounted Riders of Rohan.
Warriors of Rohan can be used in Kingdom of Rohan, Defenders of Helm's Deep, Army of Edoras, Defenders of the Hornburg, Men of the West, and Realms of Men armies, and they can also represent Rohirrim Traitors in Usurpers of Edoras armies. The rules for both these profiles and all of these army lists are in Armies of The Lord of the Rings™.
Freca™, Lord of the West-march™
The enemies of Rohan have also called for reinforcements. Freca is the Lord of the West-march, one of King Helm’s subjects, though he is of mixed Rohirric and Dunlending heritage. Known for his arrogance and pride, he is determined that his son Wulf will marry Helm’s daughter and become king, much to Helm’s anger.
Freca can be used as a Hero of Valour in Usurpers of Edoras armies, and he improves the Fight value of nearby Dunland Warriors, while his hatred of all the Rohirrim makes him stronger against any enemies from Rohan.
Freca, Lord of the West-march is a multipart, single-pose Forge World resin miniature. His rules can be found in Armies of The Lord of the Rings™.
Lord Thorne™ of the Wold™
Freca isn’t the only Rohirrim feeling disaffected under Helm’s rule. Though a long-serving and well-trusted advisor to the king, Lord Thorne is all too happy to throw in his lot with Wulf in exchange for power, giving them access to Edoras and joining them in ransacking the town.
In Usurpers of Edoras armies, Lord Thorne can lead a warband of Traitor Rohirrim as a Hero of Fortitude, and grants them +1 Fight value, giving them a vital edge over their loyal brethren.
Lord Thorne of the Wold is a multipart, single-pose Forge World resin miniature, and his rules are in Armies of The Lord of the Rings™.
Hill Tribesmen
Add more Hill Tribesmen to your rampaging force of Dunlendings with this set of 24 plastic miniatures. They come with a variety of weapon options: eight with bows, eight with a choice of two-handed weapons or spears, and eight who can carry flaming brands and light shields, or swords with optional light shields.
Hill Tribesmen are key Warriors in Usurpers of Edoras and Besiegers of the Hornburg armies, and can also be used to represent Wildmen of Dunland, serving Saruman in the Army of the White Hand. However you want to use them, you’ll need a copy of Armies of the Lord of the Rings™ for their rules and the army lists they can be taken in.
Buhrdûr™, Hill Troll Chieftain
Buhrdûr is a cunning Troll who has gathered a mighty force of creatures from the Misty Mountains to pillage the lands of Men. He is a Hero of Valour in the Buhrdûr’s Horde army list, and a fearsome combatant, with a plethora of special rules that reflect his mighty stature and the command he has over the Evil creatures that follow him.
Buhrdûr, Hill Troll Chieftain is a multipart, single-pose Forge World resin miniature, which is based on the classic Buhrdûr miniature of years past, and lovingly updated with new details.*
Hill Trolls of Angmar™
Related to the Mountain Trolls and Cave Trolls seen on battlefields across Middle-earth, the Hill Trolls of Angmar follow their chieftain Buhrdûr, or join the armies of Angmar as they ravage the northern lands. In your games, they can be used as Warriors – albeit particularly large and terrifying ones – in Buhrdûr’s Horde and the Army of Carn Dûm.
This kit comprises two multipart, single-pose Forge World resin Hill Troll miniatures armed with salvaged hand weapons and wearing tattered rags.
Rules for Buhrdûr, Hill Troll Chieftain, Hill Trolls of Angmar, and the Buhrdûr’s Horde army list will be available to download from the Warhammer Community website soon.
Great Eagles of the Misty Mountains™
In times of great need, the Eagles of the Misty Mountains will venture forth from their eyries and join their fellow free peoples in the defence of Middle-earth. Whether it’s saving Thorin’s company from a wild Warg attack and burning trees, carrying Gandalf from the pinnacle of Orthanc, or swooping in to pluck the Ringbearers from the fires of Mount Doom, the Great Eagles were a vital part of many of the great deeds of the Third Age.
In your games, Great Eagles can be taken in a variety of Good army lists—Men of the West, The Eagles, and Battle of the Five Armies. Their high Strength, Defence, Attacks, and Wounds values make them valuable Warriors in any of these forces.
This plastic kit builds two single-pose Great Eagles, which can also be used as Fledgling Great Eagles, giving you a slightly less mighty alternative at a lesser points cost. Rules for both varieties can be found in Armies of The Lord of the Rings™and Armies of The Hobbit™, along with their appropriate army lists.
Osgiliath™ – Ruined City of Gondor™
Among the many battlefields of Middle-earth, one of the most memorable – not to mention the most heavily contested – is the ruined city of Osgiliath, as seen in The Lord of the Rings™ Motion Picture Trilogy. The white stone buildings of the city make a tremendous battlefield for your games, with lots of hiding places to spring ambushes on unwary foes, and vantage points for your archers to rain arrows down on their enemies’ heads.
This boxed set contains an entire battlefield’s worth of Gondor-themed terrain. Inside you’ll find six sets of Gondor Ruins, each a modular kit which allows you to construct a shattered building, three intact Gondor Mansions, which can be built in a variety of ways, and a Gondor Tower, which stands roughly 12” tall, and can be built with an intact or ruined top.
Each of these plastic kits has a plethora of options and extras, allowing you to make a unique battlefield that will enhance your games.
These are all on a two-week pre-order window, and you can order yours right now.