Blood Bowl is an honourable game of sporting skill and tactical discipline, athletes performing at the peak of their physical powers, but every now and then someone has to go and muddy things by cheating: bringing a hidden dagger, a chainsaw, or a blunderbuss. Rules violations are all part of the fun, and with the more unscrupulous teams constantly pushing the boundaries, it's only right that the others get to have a go.
What we're trying to say is, bringing a stag onto the pitch hardly seems unfair given what everyone else is doing – and Rowana Forestfoot agrees.

Gnomish Blood Bowl teams are well known for their animal companions, from honking geese to battling badgers, but nobody takes it quite as far as Rowana. The former captain of the Glimdwarrow Groundhogs takes to the pitch on the back of her faithful stag, Flashhoof, whose speed adds a new dimension to Gnomish play.
Where most Gnomes are troublesome tricksters constantly in trouble with referees, short-tempered opponents, and often each other, Rowana is a remarkably level-headed individual with a keen tactical nous. Unfortunately, much of her time is spent bailing out her fellow Gnomes, which goes some way to explaining why she prefers the company of her woodland friends over other 'civilised' sorts.

Rowana is as notorious as she is beloved for the swarms of pigeons that shadow her every move on the pitch – dive-bombing other players or distracting the referee by pinching their cards. Several interviewers have discovered to their dismay that the perplexing post-match translations of her animal companions' comments are more than just the ramblings of an eccentric forest-dweller, as their mocking jabs are met with a barrage of pecks, guano, and the occasional kick from Flashhoof.
Flashhoof has been known to soar over entire defensive lines to score at critical junctures. Such a Bounding Leap is difficult to stop without drawing key players away from the line of scrimmage, proving Rowana can be just as tricky as her fellow Gnomes when she really wants to be.

Bounding Leap
Once per game, after declaring that she will Leap but before rolling any dice, Rowana may choose to use this special rule. If she does, Rowana suffers no negative modifiers for the Agility test to Leap and may choose to re-roll the result.
Rowana Forestfoot can be hired by Halfling Thimble Cup teams for a cool 160,000 GP – a bargain for what amounts to two quality players in the same position! Her new resin miniature will be coming to pre-orders soon.