Heroic Stormcast Eternals and the nefarious Skaven are the warring stars of the new edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, and their furious battles in Aqshy have spilled over into Warhammer Underworlds. Here, the new edition sets the action in the tunnels and mines beneath the ruined city of Embergard.
The Stormcast Eternals of the Emberwatch and the Skaven of Zikkit’s Tunnelpack have gone down a treat with painters from the wider community, who all stepped up to the task of painting them ahead of release. Here are some of the best.

Alison Kersley’s take on Zikkit’s Clawpack makes the most of the chunks of glowing warpstone on these Clans Skryre acolytes to bathe them in a noxious green glow.

Every Warhammer Underworlds warband is its own miniature painting project, and Vincent Knotley has taken advantage of this to give each miniature a different colour scheme.

Opting to paint his Emberwatch in the red and black livery of the Anvils of the Heldenhammer, Jerod Johnson has achieved a more menacing appearance.

Chrissie Orton has opted for a dull brass and cool purple colour scheme with muted grey furs, for a dashing take on this roving warband.

Yellow cloth and purple warpstone go together to create an eye-catching ensemble on Tres Hyde’s version of Zikkit’s Clawpack.

Doug from 2+ Tough has also gone a little leftfield with his Emberwatch, choosing to paint them as the uncompromising Knights Excelsior, in their immaculate white, brass, and blue colours.
Other contributors chose to lavish attention on single characters from these warbands., Dave McLennan and Murray Maud of Tabletop Time painting up Farasa Twice-risen and Rittak Verm respectively. Sam Lenz spent his time giving Zikkit Rockgnaw a stylish blue look, while Rob Warren focussed his time on Rittak and the adorable (but expendable) Tik Tik.
Thanks to everyone who took part in this round of painting.
Warhammer Underworlds: Embergard is available to pre-order tomorrow, and it contains both of the warbands above, alongside the decks, tokens, dice, and board you need to play the game. Let us know how you paint your warbands on the official Warhammer X/Twitter and Instagram pages.