The Hedonites of Slaanesh are getting ready to make power moves across the Mortal Realms, and their army includes as-yet-unseen reinforcements. Some of these Slaanesh Sybarites are also journeying to the Eightpoints, via the Agents of Chaos book for Warcry which is available for pre-order from Saturday!

We thought you’d delight in having a sneak peek at one of the support Heroes that epitomises the mysterious and unsettling nature of the Dark Prince’s mortal worshippers. Meet the Shardspeaker of Slaanesh.

While relatively free of visible corruption compared to some of the other models in the range, the Shardspeaker’s abilities are far more insidious and subtle. Using a combination of sorcerous mists and a potent magical mirror, Shardspeakers are able to twist their victims’ psyche, driving them mad and forcing them to confront and submit to their most shameful desires.

Intrigued despite yourself? Of course you are! But you’ll have to wait a little longer to learn more about these peculiar soothsayers. Make sure you pre-order a copy of Warcry: Agents of Chaos this weekend, and in the meantime start building your warband with the Start Collecting! Daemons of Slaanesh set.