It’s official - Games Workshop and Amazon Studios have finalised their deal - the creative guidelines are nailed down, and we’re all set to bring Warhammer to the screen. For those of you so inclined, you can read the super jazzy legal announcement here.
But what does that actually mean?
Well, it means we now have synopsis and ordering for the stories we’re going to tell... yep, we said stories! It might have taken a year but it was a year well spent! And what fun - sifting through the enormity of the Warhammer 40,000 universe, debating characters, story arcs and the thematic grit that underpins it all.

So, what’s next? When will the first project hit screens?
It'll be some years. Project One* is about to go into development proper. So, next up is the script/s that will form the basis of everything else to come.
Of course, as with all carefully crafted things, this all takes time... and trust us when we say, everyone involved is las-focused on getting it all just right.
As soon as we know more, we’ll let you know!
In the meantime, don’t forget the Warhammer 40,000 episode of Secret Level is available to watch over on Amazon Prime Video from the 10th December.
* This secret is guarded as tightly as the Golden Throne itself... feel free to speculate along with us on social.